Thursday, 9 June 2011

Really? This Passes For Parliamentary Research? By Sue Marsh

Well, well, well, look what I've found!!

After weeks of asking and several Freedom Of Information requests, I've finally unearthed the "assessment" the DWP did into Time Limiting ESA!! Clearly I use the word assessment in much the way ATOS do. In other words, pick a policy and then write some stuff that proves what you want to say.

Just in case, in the very unlikely event that you are not an uber-geek like me and you can't stay awake long enough to plough through 16 pages of fairy stories, here's a quick summary :

-It overwhelmingly affects the poorest most. The % impact falls from the highest in the 1st decile of earnings to the lowest in the 10th.
-It estimates that 60% will simply switch to income based ESA and not be affected. This is absolutely ridiculous, pie-in the sky rubbish. I have absolutely no idea how they can make this claim.
- The report concludes that over the term of the parliament 90% of those placed into the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG) will be affected.
-ALL groups will lose income on average through this measure.
-It is based on an assumption that 50% of claims will be appealed!!! How are they able to go forward with a system this inaccurate?
-The report itself claims that 700,000 will be affected by the Time Limit - a figure previously hotly debated, ranging from 400,000 to 1 million. It is expected to cut benefits for those not fully fit for work by 1.2 billion per year.
- The report acknowledges, just as I've been warning, that this is a disincentive to work and may push couples into divorce or into giving up on work altogether. However, they admit that they have no idea how significant this will be.

Possibly the most astonishing part is the claim that the Social Impacts did not need to be investigated, neither under the categories of Health and Well-being, Human Rights or the Justice System. (It does go on to say that an equalities assessment was carried out, which I will do my best to unearth)

As far as I can tell, the research is deeply flawed, based on inaccurate assumptions, incomplete and surely, illegal. If you discount the assumption that 60% will simply move to income based ESA, which I believe is just not true, it is a damning look into what passes for parliamentary research in our so called democracy.


Anonymous said...

we have to realize and I've said it before and will say it again. All of the people who write out these policy's on our behalf are just evil and wicked we must stop kidding ourselves otherwise

From Hitler in the war years to today in many parts of the world including the UK the evil intents on the vulnerable are still there and always will be

Anonymous said...

yes fourbanks,

but we need to get the message out there to non disabled people. I've informed my friends but one has only just realised the "inhumanity" of the proposals when he saw a reference to private companies and re-assessments on tv.

Anonymous said...

Your faith in getting the message across to the non disabled and sick is admirable. I have tried for years and failed so good luck you'll need it

Robert said...

Before my accident thinking about the disabled was right in front of me my mother who had a car accident and was left 80% disabled god knows who they got that percentage but , I'm classed at 90% yet guess what able to work. Thank god for Atos I did not know I could work, seems I have been hidding this fact from people.