Non-partisan UK-based Disability campaign. Advocacy for people with invisible illness and/or physical & mental health conditions. Also Carers, their Families and Friends. Our individual voices are too quiet to be heard, but collectively we can shout loud enough to drown out this tide of abuse against us. Disability Hate Crime, lack of full legal protection, people in care homes costing too much to be let out and not one political party willing to fight for us.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Message Board
Since the announced closure of the BBC's Ouch messageboards there has been alot of anxiety about a new safe space for sick and/or disabled people to discuss the issues relevant to us. There have been problems with the existing Broken of Britain forum for some time now and as we also had concerns about the full accessibility of the forum platform we were using we've decided to start a new forum from scratch to iron out these issues. As soon as we're set up and running you'll be the first to know!
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I opted out of OUCH after 3 years,the moderators stood back while the deaf and the disabled were attacked with hate mail, much of it from deaf twitter. I am going back to mainstream and l am leaving the deaf behind I just don't want to be associated with these people any more. Thye put up a blog calling disabled at ouch 'Monkeys', we are just cannon fodder for these people and the BBC ignored it because they want the site to go down in disrepute after many year of valuable disabled contribution and awareness. Personally, myself and many ouchers won't go to social sites. The issue is the bBC carries more clout than an off BBC site we will lose that kudos. Broken Disability movement too :( we were undone from inside.... deaf 5th columnists. I would only join another site if I had assurance 6 named people would be banned from logging in.
banned you cannot ban people because you disagree with them on issues you can argue the fact, but even if they are totally wrong they have a right to be wrong and say so, you have a right to put them or correct them but banning is way out unless of course they become abusive.
I'm not on ouch so it's not me.
Oh yes I'm disabled with a spinal injury, and I have hearing issues deaf in one ear, partially in the other, but according to Labour thats not enough not to work.
Looking forward to the new TBoB boards!
It's up to whoever runs a new site, it was an personal statement if these people were in then I wouldn't participate, as for banning, I already have banned them from my other areas and for 3 years, they are persona non grata, that's pro-active moderation ! I don't give air time to discriminators or people who post hate mail either. A number of sites in the past folded, and all we saw was the abusers having a field day,people can feel safe at my areas,mostly because these people are not allowed in, as I am sure the next site and moderators will have to do the same. They will have an duty to protect vulnerable disabled, you can't do that by allowing the trash in, simples.... You would allow people in who call disabled 'monkeys' ? I wouldn't ! It would set back disability equality to square one. What we need is an concerted unity to isolate these people and drive them off line. I feel sure future moderators will know the score. NO free speech it's not possible, these people are too smart for that. Let's not us fall out, these people are dead as I am concerned, no way would I take that abuse.
Sounds good. Can't wait!
Nice shaare
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