The Hardest Hit – defending disabled people's futures -
Call for volunteers at the rally or march on 11 May
UKDPC is calling for volunteers to act as stewards at the rally or
march on the 11 May. Full details about the rally and march are
provided below.
UKDPC will provide full training to volunteers over the telephone or
in person. Training will also take place the 11 May 2011. Volunteers
will be notified of final arrangements.
If you would like to support this important day by acting as a
volunteer steward, then please get in touch with us by emailing no later than Friday 25 March 2011.
Please remember to include your name, contact number abd any access
requirements you may have in your email.
***Please note, this is a call for volunteers only. Details on how to
register as an attendee will be announced in due course. However, if
you are interested in volunteering as a steward, then please email us
The March
Thousands of disabled people as well as family and friends will be
marching to express solidarity and anger at the cuts threatening our
benefits, services, jobs and rights. The march will take us past the
Houses of Parliament and we will make sure that MPs and Peers hear
our collective voice and understand our message.
The Lobby
After the march many of us will be lobbying our MPs as the Welfare
Reform Bill reaches a critical stage in the House of Commons. We will
be sharing our stories, making sure that Parliamentarians understand
the combined impact of the cuts on our lives and futures. Crucially,
we will be challenging MPs to vote against policies that will push us
further into poverty and isolation.
The Rally
On the afternoon of the march we will meet in Methodist Central Hall
to hear from disabled people about the deep unfairness of the cuts
for their lives and futures. We will also listen to politicians from
the main political parties to find out how they plan to uphold the
rights, equality and participation of disabled people as promised in
the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.
Where and When
We will gather for the march from 11.30 on the Embankment by
Horseguards Avenue. It will start at 12.30 and take in Victoria
Embankment, Bridge Street, Parliament Square, Millbank and finish in
Dean Stanley Street at around 13.30. We expect the lobby to take
place in Westminster Hall and to run between 14.30 and 17.30.
Everyone hoping to see their MP during the afternoon is encouraged to
write in advance to get an appointment. The rally will take place in
Methodist Central Hall (close to the Houses of Parliament) with
speeches between 15.00 and 15.30.
We look forward to seeing you there!
The UK Disabled People's Council (UKDPC).
Via Anne Novis

Non-partisan UK-based Disability campaign. Advocacy for people with invisible illness and/or physical & mental health conditions. Also Carers, their Families and Friends. Our individual voices are too quiet to be heard, but collectively we can shout loud enough to drown out this tide of abuse against us. Disability Hate Crime, lack of full legal protection, people in care homes costing too much to be let out and not one political party willing to fight for us.
I truly wish everyone well in this march but i regret to say that with David Cameron and IDS at the helm we will still be left with nothing the reason being is that the labour party are on their side which in a democracy is a no win situation for us
I would like to think i was wrong but deep in my heart i know I'm right
Sure they will be a lot of noise and anger but when the dust settles we will be the fall guys and then have to pick up the pieces in what for many will be poverty and isolation for the rest of our lives
I truly wish everyone well in this march but i regret to say that with David Cameron and IDS at the helm we will still be left with nothing the reason being is that the labour party are on their side which in a democracy is a no win situation for us
I would like to think i was wrong but deep in my heart i know I'm right
Sure they will be a lot of noise and anger but when the dust settles we will be the fall guys and then have to pick up the pieces in what for many will be poverty and isolation for the rest of our lives
Fourbanks, seriously, being a continual prophet of doom helps HOW? Get some help for the depression, please do, but don't spread it around. It isn't needed. You could have just said "good luck" and left it at that. Keep the negativity to yourself.
I'll tweet this round a bit and see if I can get some volunteers, also will tweet UK Uncut.
Four banks mate I agree with you.
Hi oya’s
I do try to not be negative but I'm a realist having been in the benefit system for 30 years I do know how the system works but even I get caught out every now and then as special rules apply to me
Like not to be able to go out for more than one hour at a time and constantly being watched like losing £54 a week because of a technicality in that my wife went above her allowance threshold earnings of £65 per week by a few pounds as I was claiming the additional component for her on my incapacity benefit they have overpaid me to the tune of £5000
She has to claim the carers allowance for me of £54 per week instead of me claiming for her
I do have a care worker in my wife and a mental health care worker for my mind I also have a good MP but at the end of day I am beaten and completely broken man because of thirty years of a system that although it has paid me money has been brutal to me in my human rights
Back in 1983 to 1990 I was under virtual house arrest for 7 years by Mrs Thatcher so I know how brutal the system can get by the government and civil service of the day who needs to live in Libya when you have it on your own doorstep?
And you can't call the police as the DWP is above the law yes you didn't know that did you well they are they will either make you or destroy you
will at all times obey everything they ask of you and tell them everything as failure to do so your money will get stopped and there'll be round your house like a shot if anyone reports you for doing anything you You shouldn't be doing
With me they destroyed me I'm not the only one by far there have been many deaths over the years that I have read about hundred's in fact and you going on a march however Nobel that is and I truly admire you it won't and can't get my life back and the hell it has been under the DWP over the past 30 years no one can
Thank you Robert :)
Yeah, and my ex has just told me he can't take care of my son because it's "too much work". I've got a sob-story too.
Forgive me but I'm not all that down with the spineless at the moment.
If you have so little left to look for strap pn some C4 and blow up parliament but at least do SOMETHING.
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