
Monday, 25 July 2011

Urgent Appeal


Hi guys.

Tomorrow, a terribly damning report will be released on ATOS.

Our phones and emails haven't stopped ringing today with media requests and we simply don't have enough people to cover them all.

Most importantly, ITN want to do a piece for tomorrow on people who've HAD AN ATOS ASSESSMENT AND HAVE GONE ON TO A TRIBUNAL. 

If you have I'm asking you a very big ask. Are you prepared to be interviewed? Will you tell them your story?  Could you cope with TV cameras coming to your home today or tomorrow?

I know it's absolutely terrifying. I understand with all my heart how many of you are so frightened by the DWP and ATOS that you daren't even leave your names when you comment here, but this is a big chance. It is our chance to tell our stories, a chance to show the public how real people are made to suffer every day by these reforms.

If you think you might just be able to do this, please get in touch at and I promise, I will do everything I can to make it as painless as possible.

It means taking a personal risk, but it might also mean that you help to save millions from going through what you had to go through.


Sue& Kali

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