
Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Today at 5pm - Clear your Diaries.... #AskEdM

Awww, that's nice, Ed Miliband wants to know what we thought of his speech!

He'll be hosting a web-chat 5.00pm today on Twitter! Using the hashtag #AskEdM

Wouldn't it be good if 1000's of people asked him why he chose to use a man on Incapacity Benefit to paint a picture of how society is irresponsible, going on to use this man as an example of "not showing responsibility" "shirking his duties" "abusing the system because he could work but didn't" "ripping off our society" he was not a "good citizen" he was "abusing the trust of his neighbours"......?

Why he supported a scrounger narrative that is already causing a rise in disability hate crime?
What he based his 2 minute Work Capability Assessment on?
Why he won't admit that ESA is a shambles

Remember, Mr Miliband has been consulting the country. Listening to the concerns of those who "work hard and do the right thing" He want's to know what Labour got wrong. He's heard from the Daily Mail loud and clear it seems. Today, we could make sure that he hears from us.

**It's nearly lunchtime now. For enough people to make an impact, we need to send this to every campaigner, supporter, friend and contact we can think of. OK. it won't change the world, but it might cause a stir. Pls RT, link and mail out.


  1. Do you think he'll do it again?

  2. #AskEdM:

    Are you auditioning to replace Bercow as Speaker?
