
Monday, 18 April 2011

Cuts to Social Care

Following the article on this blog about Disability and Social Care, it has emerged that spending by councils on adult social care has been cut by £1bn this year. You can read all about it as originally posted on the Community Care Adult Services blog:

We finally have some concrete figures on the toll take on adult social care by the government's front-loaded cuts in public spending. It comes from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services who have found that spending by councils on adult care has been slashed by £1bn from 2010-11 to 2011-12.
If this equates to net spending (i.e. spending by councils that excludes the income they receive from service users) this will equates to a cut of 7% (in cash terms).

Adass, who has surveyed 148 of its members (the vast majority), said that 70% of this cut had been absorbed through efficiency savings and service redesign but the remainder equated to reduced services i.e frontline cuts.

As part of this, it has also round that 13% of councils increased eligibility thresholds last year - most of these raising criteria from 'moderate' to 'substantial'.

According to Adass's figures we have
6 councils on critical (4%)
116 on substantial (78%)
26 on moderate (18%)


  1. Amazing how there's all this money to fund the current voting reform process though? I can only see this all getting worse in the future sadly as well.

  2. My council is currently on critical only - however they've managed to scrape up funds for the new offices, the updated guildhall and a rather dubious project called the Salisbury Vision which will turn the city centre into a massive yuppie-space...too bad the tourists don't come here anymore and all the local shops shut down as the shop rents are too high.

  3. Well we had the orange book Liberals, then Blue badge labour, to day we are hearing Blair is back with his Purple flag Labour, the aim is to go forward with things like welfare reforms.

    I think these pratts have been Reading Mein Kampf
